Our Program

What We Do

Youth of Africa Career Development, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that serves to coach secondary school students in Africa in finding their career & vocational callings through after school program training. The average enrolled college student not only changes their major 3 times before graduation, but the national drop-out rate for 4 year degree granting institutions is approximately 60%.  The YACD organization identifies these educational weaknesses and gaps as a major problem that can be solved.

When career development coaching is received before post secondary school entrance, the chances are much greater for youth to fully complete their next levels of education with fuller clarity & confidence.

Youth are also far less likely to frequently change their major or drop out of their respective higher education programs. This solution is providing youth with classroom career coaching, the administering of career assessment testing & the setup of professional youth career mentoring in a real-life work setting.   

Traditional Internship Model / YACD Internship Model

Most college internship programs are set up to provide companies with the financial benefit of  hand  picking top college level talent from a large pool of students. The motivations in not all, but in many of these cases are to ONLY invest in these students latter years of their education. 

This common practice allows many corporations to quickly reap the benefits of recruited student talent with minimal time and financial investments into the overall youth career development process.

While this model that several corporations go by is not unethical, it is nevertheless incomplete. If these future college students are not professionally reached at earlier stages of their development (particularly in high school), many won’t correctly choose the appropriate field of study to pursue.  The YACD program yields a solution to this problem by providing students with opportunities to take earlier advantage of career development training prior to their college or vocational based trainings.

Our Program Breakdown

The first year of our program is specifically designed for students that are completing their junior year of high school.  This specific phase of our coaching is exclusively done in a classroom size that does not exceed 30 students.

The level of coaching and training that each student receives prepares them to excel in the professional environments that they may one day chose to work in.

The second year of YACD is known as the “On the Job Training" program.  It provides students in their final year of high school with an assigned professional mentor.    This mentor’s role is to expose their assigned student mentee to their professional work environment. The intent of this career field exposure should allow each student to understand in a more practical manner their vocation of interest.  It also provides them with clearer insight on if their sought after line of work is of any further interest to pursue after high school. 

The YACD Program will launch in the East African country of Kenya in early 2020

Upcoming Program Launch Location

Kaoma, Zambia (South Central Africa)